Graduate Program History

The Graduate Program in Biotechnology and Biodiversity is part of the Rede Pró Centro Oeste de Pós-Graduação, Pesquisa e Inovação (Pro-Centro Oeste Network), instituted by interministerial act MCT / MEC nº 1038, of December 10, 2009.

The Pro-Centro Oeste Network of Graduate, Research and Innovation, brings together teaching and research institutions from the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal District of Braília, their respective State Secretariats of Science and Technology and Research Support Foundations. The Network will last for five years, from the date of publication of the creation Ordinance, and may be renewed, at the discretion of the Minister of State for Science and Technology, observing the indicators evaluated by an independent commission, created specifically for this purpose .

 Network Environment Characterization

The Pro-Centro-Oeste Network was established to work on two fronts: to produce knowledge, with a vision on the conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources of the Cerrado and Pantanal, and to shape human resources for the sustainable development of the Central-West Region. As a first action of the Network, the Grant Proposal MCT / CNPq / FNDCT / FAPs / MEC / CAPES / PRO-CENTRO-OESTE Nº 031/2010 was launched, contemplating three lines of research: Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainability of the Central-West Region; Bioeconomics and Natural Resource Conservation; Development of Biotechnology Products, Processes and Services. For human resources training, a multi-institutional graduate program was created at the doctoral level, which integrates the four states of the Central-West Region, within Biotechnology area of concentration. In addition, other human resources training strategies will be defined to contribute to the development of Science, Technology and Innovation.